Read an excerpt from A Time to See, the latest novel by A.J. Berea. Available now on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble, Apple Books, and Smashwords.
The Golden Cherub
A serial murder stalks the streets, striking terror in the hearts, minds, and gizzards of the residents of the City of Angels. The L.A. County Sheriff’s Department is on the case while Country and Genny watch from behind the yellow tape. In the middle of the mayhem, a young girl with golden locks steps into their lives. And then out. And then back in and out a few more times.
Click Here to read the sequel to RuSH – The Rural Squirrel Horror, a sequel Beethoven would have read if he were alive and spoke English and lived in Texas. I assume.
After America splits in two, the northern states fall under God’s wrath and into the hands of a foreign nation. The Lord raises Jeremiah to be his spokesman to warn the free states about following their northern sister into the same apostasies. In this modern parallel to the biblical book, Jeremiah shows what happens when a nation turns its heart from the living God.
Featured Release
The Rural Squirrel Horror
Click above to read an excerpt from RuSH.